Trish Tallakson

Owner and founder of Clarity Counseling, Trish is a Licensed Professional Counselor. Trish is also trained to provide Earnie Larsen’s Life Management program and as a SoulCollage® Facilitator. Trish has been counseling individuals, groups, and couples since 2002. Her specialties include: couples, career, codependency, body image, self-esteem, sexual abuse, and spiritual issues. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English and Philosophy (Moorhead State University) and Master’s degrees in Theology (Luther Seminary) and Counselor Education (North Dakota State University). She also completed her PhD coursework in English Rhetoric and Composition (Texas Christian University). She has a passion for learning, travel, creativity, music, dogs, and nature, especially its various forms of water and the night sky.

Marty Tallakson

Marty is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor who received his education (Bachelor of Arts & Master of Science) at Moorhead State University and has been practicing since 1998.

As a counselor in training, he completed his practicum at North Dakota State University’s Counseling Center. After obtaining his degree, he had the opportunity to begin to establish himself in his career over the next seven years on the White Earth Reservation working with children, adolescents and their families. While employed by the White Earth Tribal Reservation, he continued his training and practice under the clinical supervision of Dr. Daryl Zitzow, clinical Psychologist and Director of Mental Health of Indian Health Services.

After completing his clinical supervision, subsequent training and passing the Clinical Counselor exam, he became licensed as a Professional Clinical Counselor in the state of North Dakota and began his employment at Prairie St. John’s in Fargo. He practiced for two years as a counselor in the Adult Partial Hospitalization Program providing individual, group and family therapy for those suffering with acute mental health issues.

Marty began his journey into private practice while still employed at Prairie St. John’s. In November 2009, he left his employment with the hospital to enter private practice on a full time basis as a Sole-Proprietor under the umbrella of Clarity Counseling. His specialties include: Marital/couples therapy, childhood trauma/abuse, anxiety & depression.